Office: 07821024940

Contract EHO’s

Staffing Challenges?  Inspection Backlog?


Archway Consultants specialises in the delivery of short-term Environmental Health Officer (EHO) support to help you meet your statutory obligations in all Environmental Health Functions.

We provide qualified experienced Inspectors who meet the competencies relating to Inspection of Food Establishments and have the required Food Core CPD, as specified in the current version of the Food Law Code of Practice and Practice Guidance.

We are led by EHOs who are focused on excellence in our field, can accurately identify your needs and offer a host of benefits that only a specialist company in our position can do.

We have a consistent record of quality service, competitive pricing, achievement and a proven track record of repeat business. We are happy to provide references from Environmental Health Managers who have used our services. Our success has been built on our focused approach to your needs.

Give us a call on 07821024840 or contact here: to discuss your needs